Browser Test! Chrome 27 vs Firefox 22 vs Opera 15 vs Internet Explorer 10

Odsłony: 138835, ocena: 2802, zobacz też: nie znaleziono dziś nic, czas: 3m 59s.

Parner serwisu: kombajn bizon Super.

Dyskusje o Browser Test! Chrome 27 vs Firefox 22 vs Opera 15 vs Internet Explorer 10

Browser Test! Chrome 27 vs Firefox 22 vs Opera 15 vs Internet Explorer 10 - OPERA IIS FUCKING AWESOME
- Browser Test! Chrome 27 vs Firefox 22 vs Opera 15…:
- We used Chrome since we had Internet last 2009.
- Best time can you use safari also?
- Opera Is fast 
- Opera
- chrome!!!!!!
- I have a LONG story of web browsers. First, I used Internet Explorer for a few years, then I switched to chrome for a couple years, then i used opera for some months, then i switched to firefox, which i use today.
- As a gamer with 2 monitors i use firefox cause its memory friendy and faster to switch from the game to the browser
- Opera
- opera
- Excelente aporte. Desearia que hagas un video donde demuestres cual es el mejor navegador para los juegos online con uso de flash player, sin que estos causen lagueo (lag). Esperare dicho video  :)
- Fire fox
- OPERA is the best functioning browser on my comp right now. I've tired them all.
- Opera is better than chrome
- Opera died. R.I.P. 