Firefox OS - freedom for smartphones? Tristan Nitot at TEDxGeneva 2014

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Dyskusje o Firefox OS - freedom for smartphones? Tristan Nitot at TEDxGeneva 2014

Firefox OS - freedom for smartphones? Tristan Nitot at TEDxGeneva 2014 - Firefox OS - freedom for smartphones? Tristan Nitot at TEDxGeneva 2014
- I like to see in ted with spanish subtitles.
- Tristan Nitot talk.  Interesting history and present of the webs and the rise of smartphones.
- I am cônfident to say that firefox will be successful in the near future
- Does Firefox OS allow to create an app using the device it self? Like for instance Touchdevelop allows for development on the device itself, be it iPhone, android or WP.

I believe Firefox OS has a place but it needs innovative development platforms like Touchdevelop. 
- Its still in its early stage but this can make a serious impact and compete against Android. The major factor for the developers is the apps are web apps i.e the development process is 90% the same as web development which in simple terms means a large pool of developers already know how to write app for Firefox OS. Good Luck for the future :)