This connection is untrusted - How to fix this problem in Firefox

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Dyskusje o This connection is untrusted - How to fix this problem in Firefox

This connection is untrusted - How to fix this problem in Firefox - Thanks, you saved me a lot of time with this plobem! Why  are you responding to dumb stupid questions that have nothing to do with your post,, Not even a thanks!
They sound more like the are whining and bitching and complaining.
- thanks.........solved my problem......cheers
- Worked!!! Thanks
- And what if my date and time settings were never wrong to begin with?
- I have changed my date and time. But still Firefox is still saying ''This Connection is untrusted"
- thank you ,now solve my problem
- Thanks bro that are success done......

- All the gods bless u man....
- God could you talk any fucking slower!?!!
- But my time and date are fine....
- Finally, this worked for me. GOD! BLESS YOU!
- Thank you :D
- thank youuu :D
- fixed it..thank you...
- Thank you very much, weird thing but works. 
- MY time is set to automatically update by windows and so is most peoples. This isn't the solution fro all of this problem. I only cannot view paypal and get this error.
- Heyyy thank you so much
- Thanks a lot my laptop now works like it used to appreciate it:)
- Thank you. It was that easy, but I found a different time settings than the ones in the bottom right. Works great now though.