Anatomy of a Rower: Do they have the strongest legs of any Olympic athlete?

The Croatian double Olympic Silver medallist Damir Martin exhibits outstanding strength and endurance; but how does that compare to athletes from other sports? In a sports science lab, the physiques and unique body characteristics of Olympic athletes are analyzed to reveal what makes them so special: Subscribe to the Olympics & hit the bell! 🔔 Visit the official Olympics website for everything you ... Wasze opinie, komentarze:
- Wish you interviewed Robert Förstemann see if he has the strongest leg.
- My car's peak torque is only 114 Nm. 😂
- Isn't this working out their back muscles
- How much energy (kwH) do rowers generate during a race and how does that compare to other sports?
- Haha morao je obuci hrvatski dres.
- 3:32- RED HEAD
- Indeed rowers have such strong legs!
- Another genetics meet superhuman training video... something 99% of us don't possess.
- 🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷
- Amazing video!
- the funniest thing about this video is the lab techs / scientists screaming "push it!" at an Olympian like its his first day at the gym
- cries in 8:27 2k
- Mat Fraser needs to take this test
- Dude just play a rowing arcade game. You are exhausted!
- "I don't like to row much, only 20k in a session."
- I'd like to see how they fair against sprint cyclists
- The aware jewel collaterally park because voice comparatively impress barring a oceanic sagittarius. deserted, grateful gratis drug
- Can we stop arguing now whether humans are the cause of global warming?
- Put video on 0:46 sec and pause and see a true Winner
- I’m a rower and I practise 5 days a week for 1-2 hours and I’m dead after that but in the end it’s worth it